13 Essential Insider Secrets To A Pest-free, Disease-free Garden

Published by Maggie on

pest control

Insects: Aphids, slugs, caterpillars, beetles, and squash bugs are some of the most damaging insects pests. Fortunately, if you monitor your garden well, you can usually stay ahead of them. Here are some ideas to help:

1. Make a DIY horticultural oil/soap spray

This will suffocate many soft-bodied insects, such as aphids and spider mites. To be most effective, the soap should come in direct contact with the insect. Try mixing 1 tablespoon vegetable oil with 1 teaspoon of non-degreasing dishwashing liquid for every gallon of water. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture and coat the leaves, including the undersides, of affected plants. Some plants may be sensitive so do a little research beforehand, and at the very least test a small area of the plant before applying fully.

2. Bait slugs

 Fill a few empty tuna cans up with beer and place them around your garden. Slugs are attracted to the beer and will crawl in and drown. Also, slugs are active at night and prefer a moist environment. As a result you should avoid watering your garden in the evening, which can cut down on slug damage by 80 percent.

3. Focus on larvae

 Often times, larvae are more vulnerable than adults. According to Gardening Know How, this is true for Japanese beetles. Look into using Milky Spore, a bacterium that is only known to affect the grubs of Japanese beetles, leaving beneficial insects unharmed.

4. Predators can help

Planting plants that attract beneficial predatory insects, like ladybugs and small wasps. Plants that are attractive to a variety of beneficial insects include sweet alyssum, mint, chamomile, and Queen-Anne’s-lace.

5.Create an unfriendly environment

Diatomaceous Earth, which is crushed fossilized remains, can be spread on the ground or directly on plants. The idea is that susceptible insects, those with soft bodies, or undersides, are cut by the material. However, if you go this route, be aware that beneficial insects can also be injured, so use it wisely.
Diseases: Diseases like black spot and powdery mildew can really bring a gardener’s spirits down. But all hope isn’t lost. Here are a few things to try:

6. DIY horticultural oils

These aren’t only useful against insects. Horticultural oils can help to prevent diseases such as squash mosaic and watermelon mosaic from spreading. Before spraying plants, test a small area to make sure it isn’t sensitive. You don’t want to further harm a diseased plant.

7. Make a homemade fungicide

One option is to mix 3 tablespoons of good quality apple cider vinegar in one gallon of water. You can also try mixing 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of horticultural oil with 1 gallon of water. Spray either mixture lightly on plant foliage affected by fungal diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew.

8. Use hydrogen peroxide

Off the Grid News points to hydrogen peroxide’s ability to prevent bacterial and fungal infections. They suggest spraying a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide mixture directly on the plant. Always test an area of the plant first to make sure you don’t do any damage.

Mammals: Deer, rabbits, raccoons, gophers and moles can all make a gardener’s life very difficult. Here are a few suggestions to keep these unwelcome pests at bay:

9. Make getting to your garden a challenge

If raccoons or other climbing mammals give you trouble, Organic Authority cleverly suggests surrounding your garden with a mesh fence. However, leave the top foot of the fence unsecured. When animals reach the top, the hope is the unsecured part of the fence will flip back on them and keep them from entering your garden.

Sturdier fences can help keep out other pests as well. A 2 foot hight fence will keep rabbits out. But make sure it’s metal (they chew through plastic) and install it 3 to 6 inches underground so rabbits can’t burrow under it. Unfortunately, deer are able to jump pretty high, and an 8 foot fence is needed to ensure that they can’t get to your garden.

10. Use the element of surprise

Noise makers, motion-activated sprinklers, and visual disturbances, such as reflective tape, can effectively deter mammals from entering your garden. However, mammals will catch on if you don’t switch up your methods, so if you opt for going this route be sure to mix it up.

11. Cut mammals off

Make sure you aren’t providing unwelcome animals with shelter, such as access under your deck or shed. Animals are much less likely to frequent your yard if they have no where close to take shelter. Also, keep your compost covered if food scraps are readily added.

12. Repellents can help deter animals

Predator urine, soaps, and offensive odors, including garlic, pungent herbs and essential oils, can all help to keep four-legged pests from munching on your greens. Predator Guard does a great job explaining how to go about using these types of repellents. Keep in mind that most of these methods are temporary and need to be reapplied frequently.

13. Install underground fencing

Moles and gophers can really wreak havoc on your garden. For smaller areas, wire mesh may provide you with a solution. SF Gate suggests using galvanized wire with holes no larger than 3/4 of an inch. In order to install wire mesh for this purpose, it’s necessary to remove all soil from the garden bed.
If it’s a ground level garden, dig 8 inches deep, and line the bottom and all sides of the bed with mesh, tightly securing the edges together. For a raised bed, line the bottom with wire mesh, securing it tightly to the edges of the bed so critters can’t squeeze through.
Source: gardeningtips.greenerpatches.com
Categories: FYI