Bring Your Wilted Flowers Back To Life With Only Three Ingredients

If you are often away from home, traveling or simply forget that the flowers need water, you probably know the misery when you see that your flowers have wilted, and it is too late for recovery.
However, there is a trick that is worth to try before completely giving up.
You will need:
- Banana peel
- Ground coffee
- Egg shells
Add a little bit of water and mix it in a blender
Add this mixture in your pots with flowers and…
… after a few days you will see results.
How does it work?
1. Banana peel:
The mineral content of a banana peel concentration in mg/g:
Potassium – 78.10; Calcium – 19.20; Sodium – 24.30; Iron – 0.61; Manganese – 76.20; Bromine – 0.04; Rubidium – 0.21; Strontium – 0.03; Zirconium – 0.02; Niobium – 0.02.
2. Coffee grounds:
Calcium – 4.7; Magnesium – 7.1; Phosphorus – 7.1; Potassium – 116.0; Sodium – 4.7; Manganese – 0.1
Phosphorus is likewise fundamental for photosynthesis. Empowers fast development, for example, blossoming and root development.
3. Egg shells:
Calcium – 900.0; Magnesium – 24.0; Phosphorus – 8.4; Potassium – 8.0; Sodium – 9.0
As you can see, this homemade fertilizer contains all the benefits a plant needs. You will give the plant all in one of the nutrients it needs.