The Symbolism Behind St. Patrick’s Day Flowers

Here are the three most popular St. Patrick’s Day flowers:
Green Carnations
Green carnations turn into a prevalent choice for St. Patrick’s Day until around 1900. Carnations themselves have been viewed as an image of Zeus by the Greeks and the name carnation in ancient Greek means “divine flower.”
During the medieval times, white carnations were a piece of weddings as a token of devotion. Also, in 1894, Robert S. Hichens composed a novel called, The Green Carnation, where the bloom symbolized a character that wasn’t reluctant to live life to the fullest.
Bells of Ireland
These blossoms are frequently called shell blooms and are extremely well known in bridal bouquets and wedding centerpieces. They are known for their spicy and peppery sent and symbolize good fortunes. Shockingly, in spite of their name, these blossoms are originated from western Asia not Ireland.
Likely the most prominent verdure to represent Ireland and with incredible reason also. It is said that St. Patrick himself used to utilize the leaves to show the Holy Trinity. In any case, the historical backdrop of shamrocks goes more distant back to the Druids of Ireland as it was worshiped by them because of it having the mysterious number of the Celtic religion.