How To Grow Okra

Okra is a southern U.S. plant that flourishes in warm climate. It is anything but difficult to develop and utilize and looks extraordinary all through the growing season because of its gorgeous blooms. Okra is additionally rich in vitamin A and low in calories.
How to plant okra
You can start the okra seeds inside in peat pots under full light about 3 to 4 weeks before the last frost date. However, you can likewise start the seeds in your garden 3 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost date, but you’ll have to cover them with a cold frame or grow tunnel until the climate warms up. Ensure that the covering is 2 to 3 feet tall so that the plants have space to develop.
If you don’t start your okra plants early, you should wait for steady warm climate. You can plant okra in the garden when the soil has warmed to 65° to 70°F. Plant okra in fertile soil with good drainage, in full sun about ½ to 1 inch deep and 12 to 18 inches separated. You can drench the seeds overnight in lukewarm water to help accelerate germination.
If you are planting okra transplants, make sure to space them 1 to 2 feet separated to give them sufficient space to develop. Okra plants are tall, so make certain to space out the rows 3 to 4 feet separated.
How to care for okra
Remove the weeds when the plant is young, then mulch intensely to prevent the weeds from developing further. Apply a layer of mulch 4 to 8 inches high. You should likewise side-dress the plants with 10-10-10, matured fertilizer, or rich manure. You could likewise apply an adjusted liquid fertilizer every month. At the point when the seedlings are around 3 inches tall, thin the plants in order for them to be 10 to 18 inches separated.
Keep the plants very much watered all through the summer. 1 inch of water for each week is perfect, however utilize increasingly on the off chance that you are in a hot, dry area. After the first harvest, remove the lower leaves to help accelerate production.
The pests and diseases that affect the okra are: Aphids, Corn earworms, Stinkbugs and Fusarium wilt.
Harvest and storage
The first harvest is after two months after you plant them. Harvest the okra when its around 2 to 3 inches long every other day. Cut the stem simply over the top with a blade. If the stem is too difficult to cut, the pod may be too old and should be disposed.
Wear gloves and long sleeves when cutting the okra, since most varieties are secured with small spines that will irritate your skin, unless you have a spineless variety. This irritation won’t occur when you eat them.
To store okra, put the uncut and uncooked units into cooler bags and keep them in the fridge. You can then set up the okra any way you like all through the winter months. You can likewise can okra to have it all through the winter.