Miniature Gardens – Beautiful Garden In A Small Space

To make your garden with miniature size, you don’t need too much – a little effort and some interesting ideas to start with and you can make your own masterpiece.
First you need to have a pot or other container that is resistant to rain and sun, if your miniature garden is exposed outside. Otherwise, you can use any decorative container of choice.
Select plants that are small and do not grow much. Some plants grow to 15 cm per year, and others don’t even go over 2 cm. It is recommended to use succulents, cacti, dwarf flowers, moss… If you have other plants that will grow more, at end of the season just trim them to the desired height.
Look for pebbles of different colors and shapes to use them for decoration. For example, from the wooden sticks and wire you can make chairs or bench, you can add porcelain figurines also. The possibilities are endless…
Take a look at these beautiful miniature gardens and get inspired!