How To Choose The Best And Most Beautiful Cacti For Your Home

Some grow quickly, others have a beautiful bloom, and the third ones are a delightful challenge only for serious cacti lovers. Check out these three lists and select just those cacti that correspond to your wishes.
Cacti are plants belonging to the family Cactaceae and originate from areas of America.
The name Cactus comes from the Greek words kaktos, which means prickly , since cacti are mostly prickly plants that are perfectly opposed to dried and / or heat, thanks to the juicy and fleshy tissue in which they are conserving water.
Cacti are mostly easy for growing and very resistant but provide immense satisfaction to the gardeners. They need at least 2-3 hours of sunlight a day, so the perfect place for them is next to a window, and when spring comes, move them on balconies and terraces.
Here you can see a list of how to choose the right cactus for you, that will enrich your living space:
Easiest to grow:
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Gymnocalycium
- Mammillaria
- Notocactus
- Opuntia (Prickly pear)
- Rebutia
The most beautiful bloom:
- Echinocereus
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Epiphyllum and hybrids
- Gymnocalycium
- Lobivia (Echinopsis)
- Mammillaria
- Notocactus
- Rebutia
- Schlumbergera
- Sulcorebutia
- Thelocactus
The biggest challenge:
- Ariocarpus fissuratus etc.
- Aztekium ritteri
- Blossfeldiana lilliput
- Copiapoa
- Epithelantha
- Melocactus
- Pelecyphora
- Strombocactus
- Turbinicarpus
- Uebelmannia