Japan Thrilled The World: Daily Newspaper From Which Flowers Sprout

If it sounds incredible that you can get a flowering plant out of a newspaper, we can not blame you. However, one of the most read daily newspapers in Japan invented the newspapers that are completely organic. If you plant them, they will blossom!
Japan has once again proved to be an advanced country. The latest venture is certainly commendable, newspaper made from recycled paper that contains seeds of plants, and after you are done with your reading, you can plant them. This “green” edition of newspapers was sold by “Mainichi” in nearly five million copies.
When making the material on which the newspapers are printed, the paper factory put seeds in the cellulose mass that later become an integral part of the paper. Even the ink used was obtained organically because it was made from vegetables.
Each copy of the newspaper, after being read, it is desirable to be planted. All it takes is one page of paper or chopped to pieces planted in the ground, watered just like all other plants, and after a few weeks out of the ground flowers will sprout.
This is a creative way to increase the amount of greenery in homes and towns. It maintains a balance in nature and reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
This is not the first environmental initiative launched by the Japanese daily newspaper. Their commitment to protecting the environment is already well known thanks to numerous articles about plants and horticulture, as well as the campaign for the donation of water to the regions affected by drought.
This ecological newspapers have achieved great success. It was sold in large number of copies and had an income of over 650,000 dollars. Many schools in Japan have decided that this positive event teaches students about the importance of reading and respect for nature.