How To Grow Garlic In A Container

If you have ever wondered about how to grow garlic inside, you should know that it will be significantly less demanding than you think. This is something that you will be able to do even if you don’t have any gardening experience. When growing garlic indoors, you can attempt to plant garlic anytime of the year.
Look for a pot about 8-10 inches deep at least, and if you are anticipating growing more than one bulb at a time then the pot must be sufficiently big to keep up a four-inch spacing between every clove. Ensure that the pot has drainage openings in the base. In case you’re growing garlic for its greens – you can plant them closely to each other.
You can have a go at growing store bought garlic, however they are treated with chemicals so for the best outcome purchase some from local farmers.
How to plant the garlic
Fill the pot with the organic soil mix. You then need to remove the individual cloves from the garlic bulbs and make sure that the flat end is going to be pointing down in the soil as that is where the roots come from. You can also mix time-based granular compost, for example, 10-10-10.
When planting them, you need to push the cloves down at least 2-3 inches deep into the soil. There should also be roughly 1 inch of soil between the top of the clove and the top layer of the soil.
It is essential that you utilize the correct soil that is well-draining and penetrable. Soilless potting medium is ideal, you can likewise make one for yourself rather than buying by mixing peat or cocopeat (coconut fiber), compost or manure, and either perlite or vermiculite (as a substitute for both you can utilize sand) in equivalent amounts.
Care for the garlic
Location – If there is a room in your home with a south or west confronting window where it can get no less than six hours of direct daylight every day.
Watering – Outside, garlic inclines toward equally wet soil, in any case, since you’re growing your garlic inside you may need to be cautious. Watering must be done by the indoor growing conditions. How much daylight and warmth your garlic plants are getting. Customary watering to keep the soil slightly moist is best.
Fertilizer – Garlic needs a decent amount of compost to develop well. Treat the garlic plant twice every month with natural broadly useful compost amid the warm developing season. You can also use kelp meal or fish fertilizer to ensure your garlic plant has enough nutrients for optimum growth.
Picking Garlic Greens – With the correct soil, daylight and appropriate watering, in a week or so you’ll have the capacity to see the crisp new garlic shoots turning out. You can begin picking the greens once they are at least 4-6 inches tall, which will occur in a couple of more weeks (contingent upon the climate). Leave an inch of growth on every clove to let your garlic plants regrow once more.
Harvesting Bulbs – If you’re growing garlic indoors for garlic bulbs, note that it’ll be ready in around eight to ten months and you will know this when you see the leaves starting to turn brown. At this point, you need to remove them from the soil and allow them to dry for a week. By this time, they will be ready to include in your cooking or, of course, you could use some of them to then grow your next batch of garlic.