Create An Indoor Desert Garden

You will need:
- shallow planting bowl
- pebbles
- cacti soil
- sand
- newspaper
- spoon
- heavy-duty gloves
- watering can
- miniature cacti; this selection includes: silver torch cactus, Mammillaria, elephant-ear pricklypear and Rebutia
Before You Start
Cacti broadly survive on little water, however in the event that you need them to develop and bloom they ought to really be watered frequently amid the growing season. Giving them an intensive watering before planting will enable the roots to connect well with the new soil, and they should grow extremely well.
Add Drainage
All desert plants hate to sit in water, so ensure it will run unreservedly through the growing medium, and out of the base of the pot. The container should have a lot of drainage holes, secured by a layer of rocks, to keep the soil from obstructing the holes.
Set Out the Plants
Put on your protective gloves and begin arranging your plants. In the event that you have picked the position for each of your desert flora before you begin, planting will be less demanding and you will probably wind up with a good overall effect. It is best to put the smaller ones at the front and bigger ones at the back, additionally consider planting those with different habits, textures and flower color next to each other.
Planting Tips
Wrap a folded strip of newspaper around the highest point of the plant. This will enable you to slide it out of its pot and move it into the bigger container without getting spines or fine hairs in your fingers. It likewise protects the plant.
Fill in the Gaps
Once the plants are in position, utilize a spoon to carefully fill the holes between them with a cacti soil. Include little amounts of soil at once and continue firming it down with the back of a spoon to guarantee that there are no air gaps left around the plant roots.
Brush Off Soil
Regardless of how careful you are, some soil will definitely get in the cactus spines and hairs. Utilize a delicate brush to expel it and to keep the plants looking perfect and slick.
Water the Plants
Water every one of the plants well. In the summer, they can be watered at whatever point the surface of the soil dries out. In the winter, they should be left dry. Begin watering again sparingly when you see indications of development in spring.
Apply a Sand Mulch
Utilize a spoon to spread fine sand around the surface of the grower. This helps water rapidly empty away out of the surface, preventing rot, and gives the grower a real desertlike appearance. Set your arrangement in a bright, sunny position.
Tip: Watering Crowded Pots
Cacti are regularly sold when the plants are practically flooding the sides of their pots, making it tricky to water them legitimately before planting. Sit these in a container of water until the root ball is soggy.