How To Make Your Flowers Bloom More – A Magnificent Flower Elixir

When you buy flowers directly from a flower shop, they are always lush, in bloom, gorgeous … But after some time, the flowers will fall off and for a long time they will not flourish again. Sometimes it seems that they hibernate for eternity!
However, there is a simple trick that will make your flowers bloom even more beautifully and richer. The gardeners and those who know the mystery of the world of flowers recommend feeding them in the period when the first buds appear.
You may be surprised, but one of the ingredients that flowers love is castor oil. It turns out that not only hair grows with the help of castor oil.
With the help of castor oil, the process of flowering lasts longer, the flowers are larger and more beautiful and the petals get more intense color.
How to prepare this magical flower elixir:
In one liter of water, which has previously stood for several days at room temperature, add one teaspoon of castor oil.
Close the bottle, and then shake it well until the oil is dissolved and well connected to the water. In order not to burn the flowers, you can put the liquid in a sprayer, thus wet the soil.
Immediately after shaking the mixture, while the oil has not risen to the surface yet – spray the soil in the pot with flowers. If your flowers bloom once a year, only one such feeding is sufficient. If it flowers more often, then feed it once a month.