8 Plants That Attract Positive Energy In Your Home And Office

There are plants which can really enhance the energy flow, purify the air, and create a sense of peace, relaxation, wellbeing, and happiness. The elimination of negative energy will reduce stress, improve health, and help you experience joyful moments.
1. Peace Lily
This plant brings spiritual, mental, and physical prosperity. It enhances the energy flow by purifying the air and neutralizing the indoor gasses. It will also provide a tranquility and restful sleep. You should place it in a darker place, like in your office or a corner in the house.
2. Chrysanthemum
The chrysanthemum is believed to possess healing properties. Moreover, it promotes purity and honesty, cleanses the air and eliminates toxins. It is a symbol of longevity and wellbeing. You should keep it in spots where tension is generated in order to create tranquility.
3. Orchid
Feng shui believes that this houseplant enhances the energy and the lives of the ones in the home. It has long-lasting flowers which can be in various shapes and sizes, with a sweet, pleasant smell which calms the mind and improves the mood. It releases oxygen at night, so it is best to keep it in the bedroom.
4. Sage
Its amazing cleansing qualities eliminate the negative emotions like fear and anger. It promotes the flow of positive energy and is also incredibly beneficial due to its numerous medicinal properties. You should not keep it on dry or low humidity spots.
5. Rosemary
Rosemary purifies the home from the harmful toxins, and thus promotes physical and mental well-being . Its smell immediately improves the mood, treats anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue, and improves memory. It also helps you achieve inner calmness. You should grow it in a sunny place, but do not water it too often.
6. Aloe Vera
This amazing plant brings positive energy and happiness, destroys negative vibes, and has potent healing properties. You should regularly water it, and keep it in indirect sunlight or artificial light, in a pot with a proper drainage.
7. Jasmine
This plant with a pleasant smell relieves the stressed mind, provides positive energy, builds romance, and boosts the relationships. Inside the home, place it near a south-facing window, and in the north, east or northeast area in the garden.
8. English Ivy
This is one of the most effective air-filtering houseplants, eliminating the toxins from the air, and creating a positive, safe, relaxed, and calm environment.