The History About Each Vegetable

History of vegetables reaches the most distant years of modern humankind, when hunter gatherers exited Africa and started spreading across entire planet earth. As the birth of modern human civilizations, vegetables were identified as the sourced of great medicinal and nutritional power.
From the first moment European explorers got their hands on potato, they saw the potentials of the plant that can change the way we eat and practice medicine. After centuries of expansion, potato became one of the most beloved vegetables in the world, and here is the perfect place for you to find out how it managed to do so.
History of the tomato reaches 2500 years to the past, when people of ancient Aztec empire saw its value and integrated it into their lives, medicine and cuisine. Now, this fascinating vegetable represents one of the most popular vegetables in the world that is present in many dishes and diets.
History of carrots spans the last five thousand years and tells the incredible tale of its domestication in the fields of ancient Iran and Afghanistan, expansion to Egypt and China, popularity in medieval Europe and finally, birth of the common orange carrot in the scientific circles of 17th century Netherlands.
Garlic history spans the period of around 9000 years of human progress, growth and expansion across the entire world. Here you can find out more about that time garlic spend as our faithful companion, always giving us its perfect composition of nutrients and medicinal properties. Find more about garlic’s fascinating history here.
Onion history started with the earliest times of modern mankind. It helped us to survive with its great dietary value, ease of growth, ability to be stored for hungry periods and incredible medicinal properties. Read more about history of onions right here.
History of beans is long and interesting. We eat beans since the ancient times when they were a wild plant. After thousands of years of cultivation of this plant, we still eat them in cuisines that are savory and desserts.
Here you can witness the history of the vegetable cucumber, fascinating member of the gourd family Cucurbitaceae and its journey through five thousand years of human growth and expansion. With its excellent nutritional values and potential to heal our bodies, this vegetable received popularity that never ceased to rise. Find out more about cucumbers here.
Capsicum originated in South America and from there it spread around the world after Columbus tried to find the western route to India. It is since then a domestic vegetable in many parts of the world and is used in many dishes.
Cabbage history started somewhere in Europe before 1000 BC. It was first a wild plant (as most of the vegetables that we eat started) but was cultivated in time and used as food since the ancient times by both rich and poor.
The first radishes appeared in the Far East and from there spread around the world and into many different variants. They are still popular today, and we eat them as salads and in other cuisines.
Spinach was a highly regarded vegetable since the earliest days by all that grew and consumed it. Today we have cultivated variants that give more leaves, are tastier and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
History of beetroot started from the Middle Ages and since then it is one of the most beneficial vegetables for our health. Among other things, it lowers the blood pressure, as well as the chances of heart disease, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease.
Zucchini is a relatively new vegetable on the world scene, but that doesn’t prevent them from being popular and healthy. Its wild ancestors are thousands of years old but what we know as zucchini appeared only a hundred years ago.
Ginger history started in the lush tropical jungles in Southern Asia. Since the ancient times, ginger was an essential spice and medicine. Today it is still used in The East and the West for the same reasons: as food, as a sweet and as a cure for ailments.
Varieties of artichokes have records of use as a food among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Artichoke can be, at the first glance, a strange choice of food because it is a flower but we have been eating them for thousands of years. It can be prepared in many interesting variants.