Why You Should Put Some Matches In The Pot With Flowers?

Houseplants not only add comfort and warmth to your home, but also increase the concentration of oxygen in the space.
But unfortunately, it is not rare for the plant to start to wither inexplicably. This happens mostly with the help of small vermin and flies which are extremely difficult to see with the naked eye.
Fortunately, there is a simple trick that allows you to get rid of these pests in the pots.
For its implementation you need some matches that you will put into the soil at a distance of about 2 inches from the edge of the pot. Then water the flowers with a small amount of water.
After 2 days, replace the matches and repeat the procedure. For about 4-5 days the flowers will be free of any pests.
Phosphorus and sulfur, contained in matches, will enter the soil and securely discharge the plant from undesirable visitors. What’s more, it’s superbly safe for your plants.