We All Have It At Home: A Drink Which Will Help The Orchids Rebuild Their Flowers

Every flower lover will agree that the orchids are one of the most beautiful flowers, but are also very, very difficult to maintain. There are several major rules that you should be guided by if you want the orchids to develop in the right way.
Some people believe that orchids should not be exposed to direct sunlight, some believe that water should be put once a week and so on. But there is a simple drink that perfectly suits all orchids, and that is green tea.
Instead of watering your orchids with water, pour some green tea in the soil. All you need to do is pour only 2-3 tablespoons of green tea a day, for the beautiful orchid to grow and flourish without any problems. Repeat this 5 days, and rest for two. The best way to keep track is to pour green tea on weekdays, and rest on the weekend.

It is so simple, and definitely worth the try!