A Simple Trick For Richer And Longer Flowering Of Your Potted Flowers

Each potted flower it needs extra feeding, especially in the vegetative period and the period of flowering. But did you know that ordinary yeast is incredibly useful for that purpose?
Yeast can cause increased growth and flourishing even in the most hopeless plants. Phytohormone, B group vitamins and auxin (plant hormones), which are located within the yeast actively stimulate cell division and growth in plants. This type of fertilizing is used by professional breeders of plants.
By applying the yeast as food for plants, you will abruptly increase the activity of microorganisms in the soil, increase the amount of carbon dioxide, micro and macro elements, which have a particularly beneficial effect on the root system and the external appearance of the plant.
Therefore, if you want your plants to be healthy and thrive long and rich, prepare a solution of yeast for their nourishment. In addition, You can see the recipe and method of use.
- 10 grams fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 liter of warm water

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a teaspoon of sugar and stir well. Leave it like that for at least 2 hours before using. With this solution water the flowers twice a month in the autumn and winter period and once in ten days in the spring and the summer season.
You’ll notice that the leaves are greener and the flowers luxuriant and richer.