The Simplest Homemade Mixture To Get Rid Of Aphids

Aphids (sometimes referred to as “plant lice”) thrive in temperate regions and feast on plants. They are one of the most pesky and destructive pests that gardeners have to deal with. There is no lack of credible material on the internet to help you understand and control them, however I am going to share with you the simplest recipe that worked like magic.
How can you tell if you have aphids in your garden?
Perhaps you haven’t seen them (they are only 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long), but more than likely you have seen evidence of their damage. Because aphids suck plant sap, one way to identify an infestation is to look at your leaves, branch tips, and flowers. They may appear distorted, deformed, curvy, or may just completely drop off. Further, aphids’ excrement is in the form of a sweet, sticky honeydew. This honeydew will develop a sooty mold fungus which blocks sunlight from getting to that area of plant leaf. It also attracts ants.
Aphids can transmit viruses from plant to plant. Look for yellow or mottled leaves plus stunted plant growth. Squash, cucumber, pumpkin, beet, melon, chard, bean, bok choy, lettuce, and potato are most commonly affected by aphid viruses. Keep an eye out in early spring for this type of damage, which is when aphids leave their winter habitats.
Best homemade solution to get rid of aphids
All you need is 100 ml. red wine vinegar and 10 l. of water. That it’s it! All you need to do is to mix these ingredients well, pour the mixture in a spray bottle and spray those pesky aphids away. After only one treatment you will notice that the aphids will be gone. We tried this in a greenhouse also, it worked well.
This solution can be used on everything – from the flowers on your balcony to the fruits and vegetables in your garden.