Useful Tips About Flower Care In The Summer: Once A Week Pour Milk Into The Pot Instead Of Water

If in the terrace or in the garden you have at least a couple of pots with flowers, you probably know that what appears to be a very easy job regarding their maintenance, can get very complicated.
Besides the manual you get when you first buy the flower, there are several tips that can beautify the flowers, and great news – they don’t cost much.
Tips & Tricks
1. When planting you must put a layer of gravel, then cover with soil.
2. Be sure to transplant the flower each year or every second year.
3. A glass of milk a week is an excellent fertilizer for houseplants or those that you keep by the window or balcony.
4. Cool the water in which you’ve boiled some eggs and pour it in the pots with flowers that need minerals.
5. Flowers in the yard or garden can be feed with the water in which you washed the meat for lunch.
6. The cooked leaves of tea, and the tea itself is an excellent fertilizer for houseplants.
7. Wipe the green leaves with a cloth soaked in beer instead of water. This way, you are cleaning the dust and solidify leaves at the same time.
8. Do not forget to spray the houseplants with a mixture of water and milk in 50-50 ratio. Put this mixture in a sprayer bottle and use it daily.
9. The easiest way you can make an insecticide is by putting a few cigarette butts in a small amount of water and leave them to soak for 24 hours. Then use this mixture to water the flowers.
10. For the flowers that need daily watering, add a few grains of salt in the water.
Benny Bumagat Viloria · March 7, 2017 at 9:58 pm
Thank you so much for the valuable information of ornamental plant care….
admin · March 10, 2017 at 5:33 pm
You are welcome 🙂 Thank you for your feedback
Gloria · March 12, 2017 at 2:09 am
Thanks for the information on . Tea I use for my Violets and it forces them to bloom .
Gloria · March 12, 2017 at 2:11 am
Houseplants and moreis where I saw your tips.
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