Impossible To Keep Cats Out Of Your Plants? Not Anymore With These 11 Tips

1. Vegetable net bags
You can utilize fruit and vegetable net to keep the cats away. If you like to choose that way, cut a bag into a circle to match the diameter of the container or the pot, then cut down the center. In the center, up to the base of the plant, tape each side to the edge by utilizing a clear packaging tape. While you can easily continue watering and fertilizing, they will continue abhorring the netting and remain away.
2. Decorative rocks or gravel
Keeping the cats from delving the soil in your pot or container is simple by putting a few stones and covering the soil if your only issue is cats utilizing your plant’s soil as a litter box. You can gather those stones in different shapes, hues or sizes from shoreline or purchase from nearby stores.
3. Spray cayenne pepper
Mix 1 tsp of cayenne in 1/2 cup of water and place it in a spray bottle and spray your plants. Since the mixture has dark color, it might change the color of light hued blooms a bit, yet it works. Your cat will come around the plant, take a sniff and leave there as quickly as it can.
4. Plant cat grass
If you see your cat often chewing your plants, maybe it just needs something green to eat. It might help if you plant your cat some green to eat. You can find cat grass at your local pet store. All you need to do is to water it and the grass will grow. Keep in mind that cats need plants too and as they living 24/7 at home, they might be trying to find a solution to this neediness. You can also get some catnip, as cats like it too.
5. Non-toxic scents
Like the cayenne pepper, you can securely utilize non-toxic scents in your garden and in addition inside. All animals are delicate and when they don’t like a certain scent, they will simply leave the place at the earliest opportunity. So you can utilize cayenne pepper, orange peels, coffee beans, dark pepper, spraying the leaves with weakened lemon juice or orange oil directly.
6. Some plants cats don’t like to chew
There are a few plants which cats detest biting or even being close to due to their extraordinary aroma, such as Rosemary (which you can also use as a herb in your kitchen), scaredy cat plant (the same smell effect), rose, cactus etc…
7. Citrus or orange peels
Cats loathe this scent as well! So setting the peels around your plants and in the pots is a temporary yet great method for keeping them away.
8. Make a sticky surface
Making a temporary sticky surface around your plants with materials like double sided tapes, will be sufficient to keep your cats away as they despise touching sticky things. Once more, you can remove them after they’ve understood.
9. Placing a tin foil
As cats don’t really care for strolling on slippery and glossy surfaces, putting tin foils around the base of your plants will be a decent method for keeping them away. After he learns he can not go there any longer, you can remove the foils.
10. Create an uncomfortable surface
Cats like to hang around in the gardens because of their sandy surfaces with dry dirt. If your problem is in your home garden, you can prevent them visiting by placing slightly blunt (not to hurt the cat) pointy objects, such as plant stakes, chopsticks etc… around the garden or particularly in between your bushes or plants.
11. Reward them for staying away from the plants
Rather than continuing responding with negative support, utilizing some positive ones when you see your cat leaving your plants or choosing not to approach, you can reward his conduct. Observing him just passing away a plant or deciding not to dig the soil is examples of praising him.
1 Comment
Meg · May 25, 2017 at 12:08 am
Great ideas except for the suggestion about coffee beans. They are toxic. While uts more likely a dog would eat them rather than a cat, it’s best to just keep these out if your garden and mulch pile
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