How To Kill Squash Bugs, Squash Bug Eggs And Nymphs

Most of us who are growing a garden right now can commiserate with one another over the persistent problem of squash bugs (otherwise known as leaf-footed beetles or stink bugs) ravaging our summer squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, and winter squash! This awesome garden hack is a total game-changer!
Until now, we’ve been doing one-on-one battle trying to kill squash bugs (adults). For the gardener growing organically, rather naturally (not wanting to use even organic pesticides to upset the natural balance of the soil or inadvertently harm the beneficial insect population), this means lots of picking and squishing or drowning of the adults.
Kill squash bug eggs and nymphs
Believe it or not, you can use duct tape for thi purpose. This way you will be able to get even the smallest nymphs.
- It is trickier to get the eggs when they have been laid in a corner of the large veins
• Be gentle. Some of the pumpkins have soft leaves and a bit of the leaf may came off with the eggs. Not much and not often.
• If you see a squash beetle adult, nab her! Tape the tape to her back and she will stick too. Fold the tape piece around her and you have her
• Ditto for the cucumber beetles. If you happen to see one of them, tap it on their back.
Kill squash bug adults
Pesticide spray
Mist down the plants with a little peppermint oil diluted in a sprayer of water or using Rhubarb Leaf Pest Spray. It acts more of a temporary repellent and you have to do it frequently to give your plants a fighting chance.
Another way to kill the adult squash bugs (and perhaps the cucumber beetles) is to use a biodegradable detergent dish soap. The soap works by suffocating the beetle within moments. It may work wonderfully for the squash bugs, but not so much for the cucumber beetles.
Duct tape
The duct tape trick works well to kill squash bug adults too. When you tap them with the tape they stick right to it!
Hand held vacuum cleaner
An alternative to duct tape for nymphs and adults would be to get yourself a handheld vacuum cleaner. It’s a lot safer than squishing and works well for catching the ones that almost got away! A hand-held vacuum also is great for other garden pests like Cucumber Beetle, Asparagus Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles, Colorado Potato Beetles, and more!
A long-term goal for you should be to encourage your garden to become a diverse habitat. A place where predators like frogs and toads can become your greatest allies in the war against the pests!
1 Comment
Best Garden Pros · July 12, 2018 at 12:54 pm
Loved this article especially point about squash bug eggs
sharing this on facebook and pinterest
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